Numerous federal and state laws require school districts to provide students, parents, and/or the public with notices. The documents below will help you to better understand your rights.  The Palmyra Area School District invites parents and guardians of students to review the following information.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires school districts to inspect their buildings for asbestos-containing building materials and develop, maintain, and update an asbestos management plan. Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice for parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).


It is the intention of Palmyra Area School District to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure students and employees a healthy and sage environment in which to learn and work. You are welcome to review a copy of the asbestos operations and maintenance plan in the Maintenance Department Office during regular business hours. Cumberland Analytical is our contracted asbestos and indoor air quality engineer coordinator, and all inquiries regarding the asbestos plan and asbestos-related issues should be directed to them.

Athletic Opportunities Report

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth for the Disclosure of Interscholastic Athletic Opportunity.


Athletic Opportunity Report - Click to view

Child Find (Special Education) 

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students to describe the special education programs and services that are available, the process by which each of the school entities screens and evaluates students to determine eligibility for special education services, gifted services, or Chapter 15/504 services, and information regarding the confidentiality of student educational records. If you would like a copy of this notice in a language other than English, please contact Palmyra Area School District Director of Pupil Services, Dr. Kathy Setlock via phone at (717)-838-3144.


Child Nutrition Programs

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice for parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District Students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Free and Reduced Lunch Program and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which reauthorized the School Lunch Programs of the Child Nutrition Act.


Palmyra Area School District participates in the National Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Students from families who qualify under federal regulations will receive lunches and breakfasts free or at a reduced price. In addition, qualifying kindergarten students will receive free milk at snack time.


All students in grades K-12 may purchase free or reduced meals through the point-of-sale system. Applications are available at all school offices or via the link below. These applications may be filed at any time throughout the school year for families experiencing net income changes. All information is confidential; discrimination is not permitted in accordance with state, federal, and district requirements.



Child Online Privacy Protection and Privacy Act (COPPA) 

The District provides various educational content to students in digital form. Where student accounts are necessary, the District ensures that all content selected has been reviewed by District personnel and determined to be compliant with the Children’s Online Protection and Privacy Act (COPPA). The District has agreed to use such content in a manner consistent with COPPA. Each resource, listed below, supports in-classroom instruction and is curricular in nature. Click on the name of each resource for more info on that site’s privacy policies. For more information about COPPA and schools, see the FAQ:


Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA/ESSA)

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), most recently reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), requires state education agencies, school districts, and individual schools to provide numerous notices to parents, the public, and others. Because ESSA is so new, and several regulatory actions to implement ESSA have yet to be written or are in the proposed rule process, documents issued under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) remain in effect as current guidance until the Department puts out new agency information. So, at this time, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) will continue to reference the existing documents until new guidance is published.


Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notices for parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by ESEA:



ESSA Report Card:

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

FERPA Notice Already linked to the Notice on our Pupil Services Page


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). If you would like a copy of this notice in a language other than English, please contact Palmyra Area School District Director of Pupil Services, Dr. Kathy Setlock via phone at (717)-838-3144.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

The District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student from pesticide exposure. Our IPM approach focuses on making the school building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for these pests. In the District’s management plan, the last step in the control of pests is to use pesticides. There are several steps taken first, such as identification, sealing of cracks, removal of the food source, self-contained bait traps, etc. The regulations require at least a seventy-two (72) hour notice before each planned treatment. In the case of an emergency pesticide application, parents/guardians who have requested notification will be contacted by phone. Any parent or guardian may request such notification by submitting a letter of request to the building principal. The law requires pesticides are not applied within a school building or grounds where students are expected to be present for normal academic instruction or organized activities within seven (7) hours following the application or longer if the pesticide label recommends a longer re-entry time. Students may not be present in an untreated portion of the school unless the area being treated has a separate ventilation system. Obviously, should an incident require emergency treatment, great care is taken to ensure students will not be exposed to pesticides. Questions about the District’s IPM policy, should be directed to the Department of Buildings and Grounds.


McKinney Vento Act (Homeless Students)

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the McKinney Vento Act (Homeless Students). Should you have any questions, please contact the Palmyra Area School District Homeless Liaison, Kathy Setlock, at or (717) 838-8835.


Pesticide Notification

Any person, staff or parent of a student wanting the be notified prior to application of pesticides may contact the mantenance department at any time throughout the school year to be put on a notification list kept in the maintenance office.


Pesticide Notification Form

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

Palmyra Area School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Palmyra Area School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA):


School Health Act

Free and reduced cost immunizations are available for uninsured and underinsured children at the Department of Health in the county in which you live. Please click here to access The Pennsylvania Department of Health-School Health Program.


Students Need the Following Immunizations for School Attendance

Children in all grades (K-12)**

· 4 doses DPT* (Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis), (1 dose on or after the

4th birthday)

· 4 doses Polio* (4th dose on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after

the previous dose)

· 3 doses Hepatitis B*

· 2 doses Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)*

· 2 doses Varicella* (chickenpox) or a documented history of disease


Children entering 7th Grade to start 7th grade**

· 1 dose Menactra* (meningitis) at age 11 or older

· 1 dose Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Acellular Pertussis) at age 11 or older (doses

given at age 10 do not count)

· If not given in 7th grade, children entering 8th - 11th grades will need these

immunizations to start the current school year


Children entering 12th Grade to start 12th grade**

· A second dose of Menactra (meningitis ACWY) is required after 16 years of age or

entry into 12th grade (Note Meningitis B does not fulfill the requirement)

For ALL immunizations in ALL Grades:


Children must have one of each of the immunizations listed above in order to start school. If this information is not provided your child will be excluded from attendance on day 1 of the school year. Parents/guardians will be given 5 school days in which to get the next medically appropriate dose AND provide a Medical Certificate completed by the medical provider (Physician, Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant, State Health Center), which indicates the exact dates ALL the remaining doses are scheduled. If this information is not provided, your child will be excluded from attendance on day 6 of the school year. When immunizations are not medically appropriate to be given in the first 5 days of school, a parent/guardian must provide a Medical Certificate completed by the medical provider (Physician, Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant, State Health Center), which indicates the exact dates ALL the remaining doses are scheduled. If this information is not provided, your child will be excluded from attendance on day 6 of the school year. Please contact your child’s school nurse if you have questions concerning your child’s immunization status.


Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination 

Palmyra Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and handicap in its activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All investigations into reports of sexual harassment and assault will be impartial, free of bias and conflicts, and will not prejudge the facts for either side. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Dr. Annette Spagnolo, Assistant Superintendent and Title IX Coordinator, by email at or via phone at (717)-838-3144.


The Palmyra Area School District is committed to the maintenance of safe positive learning environment for all students that is free from discrimination by all student course offerings, counseling, assistance, services, employment, athletic and extracurricular activities without any form of discrimination, including Title IX sexual harassment. Discrimination, based on race, color, familiar status, age, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin handicap/disability, or any other characteristic protected by law including Title IX sexual harassment is inconsistent with the rights of students and the education and programmatic goals of the district and is prohibited at or in the course of district-sponsored programs or activities, including transportation to or from school or school-sponsored activities. This policy is in accordance with federal and state laws including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Mike Frentz, Compliance Officer ( or (717)-838-3144 X2809) and/or Dr. Annette Spagnolo, Title IX Coordinator ( or (717)-838-3144 2807). Both individuals may also be reached at 1125 Park Drive, Palmyra, PA 17078.