
Administration & Staff

Dr. James Miller

Assistant to the Superintendent for Student Services


Mrs. Amanda Stroup

Nursing Department Chair




      School Nurse - High School

        Mrs. Courtney Fackler
               BSN, RN, CSN

     School Nurse - Lingle Avenue

Ms. Judith Robinson

  School Nurse - Forge Road       



Mrs. Carolyn Seaton

School Nurse - Middle School

Ms. AmyLea Yingst

    School Nurse - Northside         

          Ms. Kami Becker 

             School Nurse - Pine


About Health Services

School nursing is a specialized practice of nursing that advances the well-being, academic success, and lifelong achievement and health of students (NASN, 2016). At PASD, each student has a school nurse available to assist and advocate for their health and well-being. Additionally, building nurses provide for the daily healthcare needs of students including illness, injury and chronic disease management. The health services staff strive to optimize health maintenance, promotion, protection, and improvement for students, staff, and the community. We believe that when a student’s health is optimized, he/she is able to participate more fully in their education.


School health services are not a substitute for your child’s primary medical, dental, or other community providers. We encourage parents/guardians to obtain annual physical exams, dental exams, and care from other specialty providers as needed for their child.


We encourage parents/guardians to establish a relationship with their child’s building nurse, especially if the child has any special healthcare needs that could impact their ability to fully participate in their academic program.


National Association of School Nurses. (2016). The role of the 21st century school nurse (Position Statement). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Immunization Requirements

If your child requires vaccines and is not covered under a health insurance plan, you may contact the Lebanon County State Health Center on 9 N 9th St. Lebanon, PA for free vaccines (717) 272-2044

Exam Forms
Annual Chronic Condition Plans

PASD Board Policy for student possession of unauthorized medications:

Health & School Nurses FAQs

Is the school nurse able to provide medication to my child?

· A nurse is only able to administer medications (prescriptions and over-the-counter) at the order of a healthcare provider and with consent of the student’s parent/guardian. The School Physician provides standing orders for common medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), antibiotic ointment, and anti-itch medication. Parents must complete the annual consent for these medication through the parent PowerSchool account.


· Medication Consent Form is completed (insert link), or if a healthcare provider order and written consent from a parent/guardian is provided.


· The school nurse is not able to provide cold, allergy, and other medications with only a parent request


· PASD Board Policy on Medications


· PASD Board Policy for student possession of unauthorized medications

When do I need to provide proof of a physical examination for my child?

· Pennsylvania requires documentation of a physical exam during Kindergarten, 6th grade, and 11th grade. Transfer students who do not have documentation of a physical exam in the records from their previous school must also provide documentation.


· This exam can be completed up to 1 year prior the required grade (July 1st).


· We recommend these evaluations be completed by your family healthcare provider since he/she can best evaluate your child’s health, assist you in obtaining any necessary treatment, and keep your child’s immunizations current. Families unable to obtain a private physical exam will be offered an exam complete by the school physician (or his proxy) during the required year.  

When do I need to provide proof of a dental exam for my child?

· Pennsylvania requires documentation of a dental exam during Kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 7th grade. Transfer students who do not have documentation of a dental exam in the records from their previous school must also provide documentation.


· A copy of the Pennsylvania dental exam form can be found in our documents and resources section of this page.


· This exam can be completed up to 1 year prior the required grade (July 1st).


· We recommend these evaluations be completed by your family dentist since he/she can best evaluate your child’s dental health and assist you in obtaining any necessary treatment. A dental health provider group comes once per year to provide dental care to student who are unable to obtain a private dental exam. 

What medications may my student carry and self-administer?

· Middle and High School students only are permitted to carry and self-administer epinephrine autoinjectors (EpiPen), asthma inhalers, and diabetes supplies if the necessary documentation is on file with the school nurse. The documents must be updated annually.


· Any student that does not meet the above criteria and is caught in possession of any medication can be subject to disciplinary action per School Board Policy 227, Controlled Substances.


· PASD Board Policy on Medications


· PASD Board Policy for student possession of unauthorized medications

When must my sick child stay home/go home from school? 

· Temperature of 100 degrees or higher without the use of fever reducing medication. (should be normal for 24 hours before returning to school without a fever reducing medication)


· Vomiting or diarrhea the night or morning before school not associated with a documented chronic physical or psychological condition


· Eyes-red, itchy and with a thick yellow discharge


· A serious injury or child is struggling to participate in class due to symptoms of illness


· Any serious illness or injury should be diagnosed by a physician. The student should not be sent to school for evaluation by the school nurse