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MS Teams win top Envirothon honors

May 16, 2022 / 5 mins read
Friday the 13th turned out to be very lucky for the PAMS as they captured the top four spots at the 24th Lebanon County Envirothon, beating teams from Cedar Crest MS, ELCO MS, Lebanon MS, Lebanon Christian Academy, and Northern Lebanon MS. In addition, Palmyra won the top score at each of the four stations, Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, & Wildlife. This is the 13th year in a row (with the exception of 2020 which was canceled due to COVID) that Palmyra has been crowned county champions!
2022 Champions (& Forestry Champions) - Quarantinas (Back-to-Back Champions): Sydney Saterstad, Morgan Bonanno, McKayla Kieffer, Abby Bennett, & Alanna McGough
Aquatics & Wildlife Champions - New Peds on the Block: Nathan McKelvie, Ezra McKelvie, Jake Schelhorn, Riley Zettlemoyer, & Cornelius Cummings
Soils Champions - Game of Cones: Ryan Sholly, Alana Frawley, Bailey Grissinger, Addy Sivik, & Sophia McGough