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Michael Harris represents Palmyra at PMEA District Orchestra Festival

January 30, 2023 / 5 mins read

This past weekend Michael Harris represented Palmyra Area School District on the viola at the 2023 PMEA District Orchestra Festival. Pennsylvania Music Educator's Association is a professional organization for music educators located in Pennsylvania that provides performance and learning opportunities for the state's students. The district orchestra festival represents students from the Harrisburg, Lebanon, and Lancaster areas and is one of the most challenging districts in the state. Students must audition to be in the orchestra and only the top 25% are able to make it into the ensemble. After successfully auditioning for the ensemble, students prepare a large selection of repertoire and perform a concert after several days of rehearsal. Mr. Harris also successfully auditioned for the next level of the festival, called Regional Orchestra, which represents the central part of the state. He will then attempt to move on to State Orchestra at that festival. Congratulations to him on an incredible accomplishment!

